THCV is a cannabinoid very similar to THC, but it will provide a different effect, which acts and disappears quickly and can reduce the negative sensations of anxiety, causing a clearer, more lively and euphoric feeling. In addition, it can also be of great help to treat and alleviate the symptoms of diseases such as diabetes or Parkinson's tremors.
This molecule, called THCV, forms parts of the more than 100 cannabinoids that can be found in marijuana. Although it is not as well known as THC or CBD, it is now being widely studied for its specific psychoactive effects and its wide application in medicine.
Tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV has a molecular structure very similar to tetrahydrocannabino. Its molecule has a propyl side chain (3 carbons) instead of the pentyl group (5 carbons) of THC, this is what makes it have such different effects. Precisely what differentiates it from THC is what makes it a special component and possibly the immediate protagonist of many studies and medications that will be based on this molecule.
Without a doubt, the level of THCV that a plant has will soon be a highly sought-after quality by both growers, smokers, and researchers.
Effects of THCV
In THCV everything is more intense and faster, the sensations experienced are more psychedelic, but they keep you lucid, and although the euphoric effects come soon and intensely, they also end sooner.
In numerous clinical trials, THCV is demonstrating that it has incredible effects on the mind and body. Their effects may seem contradictory until they are studied in depth. Their study shows that THCV restricts the effects of THC, making the experience less intense and anxiety-provoking, and its effect more euphoric.
Obtaining a more euphoric effect with less stress seems like an ideal formula, although it has the drawback that it usually only lasts half the time of the effect produced by THC.
Another difference that can be found between THCV and THC is the feeling of hunger. When marijuana with a large amount of THC is consumed, a voracious appetite usually occurs, a hunger that is truly impossible to combat.
However, THCV is known for its appetite suppressing effect, therefore making it a perfect cannabinoid for those who want to lose weight or do not want to overeat during their smokes.
THCV in the medicinal field
As we already know, marijuana is a plant that has great therapeutic potential. It is full of cannabinoids that may be able to alleviate and treat numerous disorders and diseases, by activating the endocannabinoid system of the human body.
Until now, THC and CBD have been the main protagonists in scientific studies carried out in this area. THC is an excellent pain reliever, while CBD has great anti-inflammatory properties and a great ability to stop epileptic seizures.
All of these investigations are beginning to include THCV among the cannabinoids that need more research to incorporate them into therapeutic treatments.
A study published in the British journal of pharmacology tells us that THCV has antioxidant properties and the ability to activate the CB2 receptor of the human endocannabinoid system, while blocking the CB1 receptor. This means that the cannabinoid THCV could be very beneficial in an efficient therapy to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's, in addition to delaying neurodegeneration.
For the treatment of Alzheimer's, research is still in its infancy, but it is believed that THCV could improve tremors, motor control and brain injuries associated with this disease.
Researchers in this matter also suggest that the endocannabinoid system affects bone cell activity and tissue regeneration, therefore, THCV may play an important role in bone mass and in the regulation of bone diseases. as it would encourage the growth of new bone cells.
In diabetes, it is also believed that it can have a very positive influence, since THCV has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and improves insulin resistance.
Finally, this new and exciting cannabinoid could also be very effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorders, relieving anxiety and panic attacks.
THCV-rich varieties
Despite all its qualities and the fact that in some varieties it represents up to 20% of the cannabinoids present in the plant, until recently THCV was unknown to some growers, consumers and seed producers.
Little by little, genetics have been identified in which the presence of THCV is greater and which, therefore, are an excellent option both for recreational users looking for its intense, relaxing and euphoric effects and for those who want to complement their treatments with its calming properties.
Analysis carried out in the American Journal of Botany on 157 marijuana plants from around the world revealed that the highest levels of THCV occur in plants from southern Africa and somewhere in Afghanistan.
Durban Poison is a famous marijuana plant that is known throughout the world and has a high level of THCV. Most THCV-rich strains are Sativa dominant. Jack The Ripper is another strain very rich in THCV.
It is not easy to get a marijuana plant with a high THCV content, but it is to be expected that in the coming years specific cannabis products will emerge to make the most of its properties.